About This Live Project

Sheffield Homes is an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) set up and owned by Sheffield City Council to manage council housing in Sheffield. As our client, Sheffield Homes offered us a list of potential project briefs for us to choose from, all of which deal with important issues and concerns regarding the current council housing stock in Sheffield. Our group decided to embark upon developing innovative solutions to address the important issue of waste disposal in flatted council estates. Our hope is that our efforts can offer strong design initiatives on the topic whilst creating awareness and incentive on the importance of recycling and proper disposal of household waste.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

What is Fuel Poverty (FP)?

"A household is said to be in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10% of its income on fuel to maintain a satisfactory heating regime (usually 21 degrees for the main living area, and 18 degrees for other occupied rooms). Fuel poverty is caused by the interaction of a number of factors, but three specifically stand out.

These are;

  1. The energy efficiency status of the property.

  2. The cost of energy.

  3. Household income.

To tackle fuel poverty the UK Government and Devolved Administrators believe that no single measure is sufficient. The 2007 Fuel Poverty Annual Report updates progress on the range of programmes and measures that have been put in place. This includes;

  • Programmes to improve energy efficiency.

  • Maintaining the downward pressure on fuel bills, ensuring fair treatment for the less well off, and supporting industry initiatives to combat fuel poverty.

  • Continuing action to tackle poverty and increase incomes."

~Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR).