About This Live Project

Sheffield Homes is an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) set up and owned by Sheffield City Council to manage council housing in Sheffield. As our client, Sheffield Homes offered us a list of potential project briefs for us to choose from, all of which deal with important issues and concerns regarding the current council housing stock in Sheffield. Our group decided to embark upon developing innovative solutions to address the important issue of waste disposal in flatted council estates. Our hope is that our efforts can offer strong design initiatives on the topic whilst creating awareness and incentive on the importance of recycling and proper disposal of household waste.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Human Insulation?

A more achievable solution maybe?

Knitting lessons = insulated body temperature = lower energy use in heating (space heating + biological) = possible source of income?

....two birds with one wooly stone?

My Nan used to suppliment her pension by selling knit wear...as far as I know, she always managed to pay the bills ^_^

1 comment:

Oliver Cartwright said...

An very interesting yet also surprising straightforward solution to our problem. It is tied strongly with the idea that it is the user who must take a portion of the initiative here. However, a lot of friends and family I've talked to hate the idea of wearing layer after layer of clothing to keep warm but to remain in a cold home...